Welcome to John’s Automotive & Service Center

Since 1976, John’s Automotive & Service Center has provided full service auto repair and maintenance in Midland, TX. Our full service facility services foreign, domestic & light trucks.

Our success stems from the fairness of our rates, the quality of our services, and the dependability of our highly skilled team. Our customers know us as a company that can be relied on, and completely entrusted with the quality care of their vehicles, and that’s a reputation that we’re proud of! Read more...

(432) 682-1335

Contact Us

2511 W Wall St., Midland, TX 79701


Monday - Thursday: 8:00AM - 5:30PM

Friday: 8:00AM - 5:00PM

Auto Repair Services

We offer complete automotive service and repair - we service most makes and models. Your satisfaction is our top priority!

View Our Repair Services

John’s Automotive & Service Center

Call us for an appointment at (432) 682-1335, or stop in and see us at the first sign of trouble! Let us keep your car safe, and ready at all times to move your family to its destination!

As the days grow longer and the weather warms up, spring is the perfect time to shake off the winter blues — and your vehicle is no exception. After… Read more

Your car. It's more than just a way to get from point A to point B. It's your trusty companion, your road trip buddy, and sometimes, even your mobile… Read more

While winters may not always bring a lot of snow and ice to your area, the cooler temperatures can still affect your vehicle’s performance. A little… Read more

December brings the chill, and with it, the potential for treacherous driving conditions. Now's the time to give your car a thorough winter checkup… Read more